
Bytes downloaded counter

A shared-object is needed in order to count the downloaded bytes from the threads. I thought about three ways to achieve it:

  1. A global var: shared1
  2. SharedObject() (python object with thread locks): shared2
  3. multiprocessing.Value: shared3

I’ve tried their performance, where the read filesize was 67060045 Bytes (Approx. 64MB).

shared1 shared2 shared3
67027277 64495949 67010893
67060045 66265421 67043661
67060045 65364301 67060045
67051853 65118541 67043661
67060045 65927843 67060045
67051853 63584931 67043661
67035469 64569677 67051853

The results:

  • shared1 has an error rate of 0.07%.
  • shared2 has an error rate of 3.72%.
  • shared3 has an error rate of 0.06%.

It is not clear why shared2 fails so bad, but we’ll stick with shared3 concept for now.